It was so crowded which being closer to the city we kinda expected this, but what we didn't expect was that on top of the price of the pumkins we had to pay $6 per person (even Cj) to just get in and this did not include the pumpkin which would have been an additonal charge (they charged by the pound.) CRAZY!!!!! I looked at James and said no-way. It was crowded and much to expensive. We talked about it for awhile and decided that it just wasn't for us, we are much simpler people than that. I think people forget the reason behind holidays and they try to market it too much. Our kids only wanted a pumkin not all that other stuff not that it wouldn't have been fun but it wasn't why we were going to the pumpkin patch.
Needless to say we chose not to go there since it was so commercialized and drove back to Louisberg to Powell's Pumkin Patch. We had a blast it wasn't crowded and the kids had so much fun trying to find the biggest pumpkin they could. After everyone got their pumpkins we went and played in the hay maze, climbed on the tractor tires and hay bales and just had simple fun. Nikki had her best friend Lilly with her and they laughed and gigled the whole time. Besides that we got 4 very huge pumpkins for less than it would've cost to just get into the other park.
We will never go anywhere else again (lesson learned).
On the way home we also stopped at the Louisberg Cider Mill and watched them make fresh apple cider and donuts (which we had to sample). It was an awesome day.
Next weekend we are going to go to Cedar Cove also in Louisberg for their Halloween Cat Walk kids 6-12 are only $2 and under that is free and adults are $5 they will get to tour the park and see the tigers and trick or treat.
We are really excited about seeing all the tigers, we have never been there so maybe this will be a new tradition for us.