Monday, March 9, 2009

Still Here

Hi we are all still here and doing well. I have been working around 50 hours a week so I have been to tired to get on the Internet to much. Not much new happening around here. Nikki had her dance competition spring performance last weekend it was so cute. I forgot my camera though so I am waiting on pictures that some of the other moms took. They are so great. James is teaching another financial peace class and is keeping busy with the housework that I am not doing right now. He was attempting the mop the other day and looked very awkward using it so I couldn't help but laugh and let him know that I may have an instruction manual to it somewhere!! :) He didn't think that was very funny. We are having a little trouble with Nikki right now, so now I now understand what people mean when they say ? going on 30 because she is definitely 7 going on 17 and seems to have forgotten that mom and dad are boss. As soon as I ask her to do something she automatically just does whatever she wants to do instead. AHHHH we are about to pull our hair out. I love that girl more than anything but I don't remember anyone warning me that hormones started this early. I had to laugh at her the other day because she wanted to take a radio into the bathroom while she took a bath and I told her no because it wasn't safe so she instantly started crying because "great what was she going to listen to now while she took a bath it is so boring." (This is a new thing, don't have any idea where it came from because I don't listen to a radio in the bathroom) I started laughing and told her she could listen to herself taking a bath. Of course she didn't like my answer. I'm kinda scared to know how the teenage years are going to turn out. Maybe she will get it all out of her system now. lol. :) I love you Nikki. XOXOX. On another note I want to give a shout out to my mom and dad they are retired and live in Nevada and have a little woodworking shop that they love to tinker and build stuff in. In the summer they go to allot of craft fairs to sell their stuff. Anyways I talked my mom into starting a blog so that more people could see their stuff and who know she might even sell something, so if your not doing anything you might stop by and take a look, their blog address is . Well James and I have started walk Kansas so I had better go get my walking in for the day. tata for now.