Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Getting There

I thought that I would be able to blog every day and keep CJ's food diary here but as it seems that was a harder idea than I thought. CJ is doing really great eating and is continuing to get stronger at eating also. He is getting his meals down in about 30-45 minutes now instead of an hour or two and is starting to eat more. He will usually eat now a pancake or frozen waffle with butter & syrup for breakfast (his fave) and will usually eat the whole thing. We did find though that he needs to be awake for awhile before he eats and he eats better. For lunch he will usually nibble on various things his favorite would be sauteed mushrooms or raw will be fine if we don't feel like cooking them, we are trying to get him used to eating bread which is also getting better. Then for dinner we are still working on meats but he loves corn on the cob and will usually eat 3-4 ears at one meal. Thank goodness I stocked up last year but I have to break out the big pot just to cook corn for the 4 of us. For some reason he doesn't care for canned corn so ears it is. We tried the carnation breakfast milk and he did not like it. (bummer) that would have been a great calorie intake for him. He does however like ice cream bars as long as they are not chocolate. He is just doing amazing. I am so proud of him. CJ had a doctors appointment today to just check up on how things are going and the doctor was very pleased with his progress and said we could continue with how we are doing things. I was so excited to hear that because I have been so worried about his weight loss. He has only lost 3 pounds though in a month so that's not so bad I guess. He just looks so skinny. I was used to him having a little round belly and now its gone. :(. But none the less I am very happy that he is starting to eat.