Friday, January 9, 2009


I realized today that I have been posting allot about Conrad lately so today I am going to give this post to Nikki. She is our emotional child but she also has the largest heart ever. I remember when she first started kindergarten her teacher told us at the first conference that all the parents were wondering who this girl was, because their kids were always going home telling them what a great friend she was. And I am very proud to say she is friends with everyone, even the bullies that she protects others from. Yes, she will stand her ground for anyone. Now in the first grade we get the same praises from her new teacher that she is very thoughtful and considerate of others. It makes me feel all warm inside to know that she sees everyone as equals. On another note she is also teaching mom and dad about recycling. She would recycle everything and we (James and I) are learning to not be so lazy about it. We now recycle our cans and paper. Nikki mentioned the other day that we need to start recycling our plastics also. So now I need to get a tub for plastics. I know that she's right. Along with trying to save the planet she is also involved in many activities which keep dad and I hopping around. Her first love would have to be dance. She dances Hip Hop, Ballet, Tap and Jazz. She about breaks us in shoes alone. lol.:) We tried soccer ( too much running) and pre-T-ball (which was ok) but she liked dance the best. This is her 3rd year of dance and her first year on the competition team. So far she loves it even though it is a little more work. She has practice 2.5 hours on Fridays and 3 hours on Saturdays. She was kinda bummed tonight though because the 5 star production that she was going to be in next weekend got cancelled due to them deciding they were not going to have any groups only solos so now she is going to have to wait till the end of the month. This year she will be going a total of 7 competitions including the nationals in Branson. Most of the time she will be dancing in KC, Overland Park, and Olathe. We are all very excited about this. She is also in Girl Scouts which is every other week and they also do allot of great things with the kids. And last but not least she is taking piano lessons but that recital we are excited to say is only once a year. Zzzzzz. Nichole is a wonderful child and loves to please everyone. We very seldom have to get on to her and if we do it's generally because she loves to eat with her fingers which really grosses me out. I don't think I will ever understand. As you can hopefully tell she is a completely wonderful child and I feel so blessed to have her in our life. Nikki we I hope you know how much your dad and I love you. You are the rays of sunshine that warm our hearts every day. xoxo

1 comment:

My Three Sons said...

Please let me know when her competitions are down in KC. I would love to come and watch and go down memory lane. I'm sure I told you before, I danced from 4 1/2-17. It was the best of my childhood memories.

I hope she does well in Branson!!