Friday, April 17, 2009

Getting Creative

Happy Late Easter!! Our Easter was fun. I missed out on the Easter egg coloring this year due to the fact that I had to work (bummer). So needless to say James was very excited to be on dad duty that day. :) I love him so much he is such a great dad. I know he really wanted to be out fishing but he colored eggs instead and did a wonderful job. He was very creative with the eggs and even took pictures and sent them to me via phone so that I would not completely miss it. Well Tax Season is officially over so I am back to my regular schedule and it feels great to know that I won't be working so may hours. With that being said!!!! I have some exciting or what I hope will become exciting news. We have a client that comes into our office and her son was also tube fed like CJ. I always enjoy when she comes in to have her taxes done because it's nice to be able to talk to someone that can relate to your situation and knows what your going through. Well last year her son started eating by mouth (how exciting) but we never really got to talk about how this miracle happened. This year I was determined to find out what she did.
I already knew that we saw the same OT at Mercy since we had ran into each other at previous appointments, but since we were having tests done we had stopped OT until the tests were complete. Naturally after the tests were completed I was exhausted and I guess just accepted that this was how it was going to be and quit going to Mercy for OT. Until I talked with Heather. Now I am excited again and ready to start helping CJ again with his eating. When Heather came in we naturally started talking about our boys and she asked me if I had gotten extreme with his eating?
I was a little surprised with this and just said well we offer him food all the time and have him sit at the table with us whether he eats or not but I don't know if that's extreme or not. She proceeded to tell me that what she meant by that, was to stop tube feeding him. I was shocked to hear her say this because our friends Nate and Amy kinda did this with Kaden when they fed him at night and not during the day he was eating more, so needless to say this got my attention. We had thought about it before but I was afraid to try.
What she did was tube feed him once in the morning and at bedtime then during the day she would bolus him one to two ounces of water every couple of hours to keep him hydrated. She said that within two weeks her son went from not swallowing anything to no more tube feedings at all. And within 3 months he was able to have his mickey removed. I got on the phone immediately and started lining out doctor and OT appointments. Our first appointment is Monday with his regular doc. I want to make sure he is monitored during this so that he doesn't get sick or dehydrated. I am not going to ask the doctors anymore if this will be OK to do, I am going to tell them this is what we are going to do like it or not. I have tried doing it there way and although we have made some progress I believe with all my heart and soul that he wants to eat. I think he is starting to get lazy about eating because he knows that he will just be hooked up and he will have a full belly so why eat real food.
CJ here lately has started eating more. He loves cheese and mushrooms of all foods. He is now chewing and swallowing food quite often and will sometimes eat as many as 6 bites a meal. I think that if he gets hungry he will eat a whole meal. I am really excited and at the same time torn apart about doing this. I made sure I got Heather's phone number this time and I asked her if she would be my support since I guess in a way I will be making my son very hungry. I can already hear him crying and saying he's hungry I know he will have all the food in the world being offered to him but the thought is still horrible. I guess this is what you might call tough love. I am not sure when we will start this, I will let you know what happens on Monday. Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers.

1 comment:

My Three Sons said...

OH that is great news. I hope CJ keeps up with his oral feeds. I have a three year old who is on a NG tube to eat and we think it is all related to acid reflux. It is such a huge relief when I hear of kiddo's getting off the tube feeds. Gives me hope!!

Keep it up CJ